


A Snap Shot of Tiltcon Constructions Projects – Past and Present

Construction Address Client
Builder Administration Alterations & Extensions 22 Leslie St


St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School


Builder Large Factory Warehouse Development (1760m2)

Design and Construct Development

114 Bowen Street


 Bushell Engineering
Builder St Mary of the Cross Classroom Refurbishment 22 Grafton Street


St Mary of the Cross Catholic Primary School
Builder St Flannan’s Catholic Primary School
Stage One – Classroom Refurbishment
Beams Road, ZILLMERE St Flannan’s Catholic Primary School
Builder St Flannan’s Catholic Primary School
Stage Two – Library Upgrade
Design and Construct
Beams Road, ZILLMERE St Flannan’s Catholic Primary School
Builder St Andrew’s Car Park Alterations and Extensions 89 Hogarth Rd FERNY GROVE St Andrew’s Catholic Primary School
Builder Medical Offices Refurbishment Cadogan House 1382 Sandgate Rd NUNDAH Northside Cardiothoracic P/L
Builder St Mary of the Cross Primary School

Alterations, Additions and General Works

Administration Alterations, Extensions and  Refurbishment

22 Grafton St WINDSOR St Mary of the Cross Catholic Primary School
Builder Medical Suite Extension and Refurbishment Prince Charles Hospital CHERMSIDE Northside Heart & Lung
Builder Full internal fitout and external construction works of a previously abandoned building including all landscaping, car park (internal and underground) and bioretention basin. 74 Maple St, Maleny 2DG Developments Pty Ltd
Builder Classroom Renovations and Alterations –

B Block – 6 classrooms

F & G Blocks – Prep refurbishment

Library Conversion and remodelling


89 Hogarth Rd, FERNY GROVE St Andrew’s Catholic Primary School
Builder St Andrew’s Catholic School Ferny Grove

Administration Alterations & Extensions

89 Hogarth Rd FERNY GROVE St Andrew’s Catholic Primary School
Builder Cyclone Shelters Bowen, Proserpine, North Mackay Bowen State High School, Proserpine State High School & North Mackay State High School Paynter & Dixon
Developer 5 Factory Units 58-60 Melbourne Rd RIVERSTONE G & L Voysey Developments
Developer 1 Factory Unit 1027 sq mts 105 Bath Rd KIRRAWEE G & L Voysey Developments
Developer 3 Factory Units Sovereign Place SOUTH WINDSOR G & L Voysey Developments
Builder  Commercial Building 12 Queen St GOODNA Manos Projects Pty Ltd
Builder  QML Pathology 30 sq mts Forest Fair Shopping Centre 120 Woogaroo St FOREST LAKES Shanokir Pty Ltd